Celebrating Sixty-Five Years

March 7, 2024

The Lodge was delighted to celebrate Bob W.'s Long Service Award yesterday. The Lodge received VW Bro George C., Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master along with W Bro Gary Q. The Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master engaged with Bob in discourse upon his lengthy masonic career and detailed his service to the community over the decades, before Gary then read out the citation.

Afterwards the Lodge was pleased to receive a lecture from John J. on the History of Phoenix Hall, part of which is available on this website. At the festive board, the raffle raised £230, the proceeds of which were donated to the Queen Street Heritage Trust, the charity that cares for the hall.

Congratulations to Bob and the lodge wishes you many further yeas of health and happiness.

Photo of authorJim M.

Jim served as Master of Phoenix Lodge for 2020-2021. Jim is currently the lodge's Secretary.

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